News: Thanks to Toby!

School received a lovely telephone call from Transport Wales for Wrexham this afternoon, who wanted to say a big “WELL DONE AND THANK YOU!” to Toby for saving his mum! “LLONGYFARCHIADAU A DIOLCH YN FAWR IAWN!” What a lovely and thoughtful gesture – which has made us all smile.   Transport for Wales have also invited Toby and his class to visit Wrexham Train Station next term, for a tour and chat with the British Transport Police – I’m sure we’ll be able to arrange this.  I love being Headteacher here at Park CP (as I’m sure you all know) and I am extremely proud of all the children. It really is a privilege to be in this community and things like this just make my days even more special!  Diolch Toby and Family!  (Link to the Leader story: )