News: Welcome Back & Reminders

Good Afternoon Everyone,  I hope you all had an enjoyable half term break.  Just a few reminders for you:  We have our Estyn Inspection next week (Monday 10th to Wednesday 12th June) and parents are welcome to attend a meeting with the Inspectors on Monday 10th June at 3.20pm in the school hall.  Friday 14th June is a training day and school will be closed to all children – holiday club is open, please contact Elaine at Treasure Chest to book in.  Years 5 & 6 are off to Rhyl on Wednesday (5th June) let’s hope that the sun shines! The coaches will be leaving school promptly at 9.15am and we will not be able to wait for latecomers. All children will need a packed lunch and everyone will need to wear their usual school uniform please.  We’re hosting a British Sign Language event at school on Thursday 6th June at 5.15pm and hope that lots of you will be able to come along to learn a few signs and find out what we’ve been up to in school.  Snack money for this half term is now due – £7 for Infants and £8.75 for Juniors As we have a busy few weeks ahead, Reading/Book Club and Fitness Club will not be restarting until the week beginning 24th June – sorry!  I also haven’t forgotten that we need to reschedule the Junior Sports Days – these will be held towards the end of June/beginning of July and I shall share the dates as soon as possible.  Diolch pawb, Mrs Billington Headteacher